Enya's Site

Hewwo and Welcome!

We are Enya🔥, the Anticar Catgirls (just "Enya" is fine), a plural system with the headmates KC, Cara, Daisy, Clover, and maybe others. Thankyou for stumbling upon our site! We are collectively a queer neurodivergent catgirl creature and all-around weirdo who cares about computers (mostly software), transportation/urbanism, and video games. We (nearly) have our Bachelor's in Computer Science and spend a lot of time at university clubs. The best places to find us digitally are Discord or the Fediverse.

Hang tight while we get this site updated a bit more!

The "Hewwo and Welcome!" section is meant as a hello and brief intro, but also it's hard to compress everything we want to say about ourselves in such a small section. These sections below serve as more detailed explanations or intros or such, maybe even sprinkled with educational resources in case there's something you're not familiar with.

  1. Plurality
    1. Proxy Tags
    2. A Brief Introduction to Our Headmates
  2. Queer
  3. Other Stuff
  4. Website Stuff
    1. Credits


We are plural, which in layman's terms means that we got multiple people in our head. We recommend visiting the site MoreThanOne.Info if you are new to the concept of plurality. The name "Enya" is our system name and refers to all of our headmates equally, useful if you (or we) are not sure who's talking/fronting or other convenient situations. For our system, the distinguishing lines between headmates can kinda get blurry or blended sometimes. As far as we're aware, we only have one set of memories that we collectively share, however we do frequently experience out of ordinary memory loss. You may see us use both I/me/my and us/we/ours when referring to ourselves collectively.

We try to theoretically give the equal opportunity for all our headmates to front and express themselves, but practically speaking the amount of time headmates spend fronting is very unequal.

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Proxy Tags

We often use proxy tags when typing online, particularly when using Discord. For those unfamiliar with the concept, it indicates which headmate said a message. If you're on a discord server with PluralKit or other similar bot, then it can even replace the message with a message from a psuedo-account that represents the headmate (which is pretty cool). For our proxy tags, we usually use the name or a shorthand of the name preceded by a period, like .kc text for example. We have sometimes also done other styles such as <Cara> text on other social media. We've included our PluralKit tags here as a convienent reference that we can link to for when someone asks us about our tags. Though, usually when we use the tag without some sort of bot, we use the longer version for clarity and won't specify when it's soup (assume it's soup unless otherwise specified).

KC.kc textshe/her/hers
Cara.cara text, .c textshe/her/hers
Daisy.daisy text, .dz textshe/her/hers
Clover.clover text, .cl textfae/faer/faers, she/her/hers
"soup".soup text, .s textshe/her/hers (singular), they/them/theirs (plural)

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A Brief Introduction to Our Headmates

The list of headmates are formatted as name, title, pronouns, and description. The title is a shorthand way of communicating what their personality is like but should not be treated as serious or unchanging. We find that the biggest differences worth communicating with our members are how often they front, what their personality is like, what aesthetic/clothing they tend to prefer, and other tidbits of information.

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Plurality makes gender/sexuality things more complicated and confusing. We consider us collectively to be a transgender woman. We are not sure if we prefer singular terms or plural terms for our collective self so either is fine. Our headmates mostly use she/her/hers pronouns so we're okay with being referred by that collectively or with they/them/theirs (plural). KC is pansexual (maybe pan-lesbian) and it's hard to say if other headmates are similar/same, or aroace, or just like unknown/repressed.

We are also polyamorus (polyamory isn't neccessarily queer, but it hits different when you're queer) and KC has two partners. We have no record of any other headmates being interested in romantic/sexual relationships.

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Other Stuff

WIP, we'll get to this section eventually.

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Website Stuff


We'll have to write a more proper credits thing at some point but for now the emoji font we're using for the site and the fire emoji we used as a favicon comes from OpenMoji. We're also using the Atkinson Hyperlegible font from the Braille Institute.

CC BY-SA 4.0 Enya. Last modified: March 08, 2023. Website built with Franklin.jl and the Julia programming language.